“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone upturned to make it a reality.” –Roopleen

As per the quote stated above, the Department of Library & Information Science, University of North Bengal is achieving its dream to attain gradual success by adopting the following the strategies such as:

  • Student Social Responsibility Event
  • Add-on Courses
  • Notice Board Study
  • Mini Project
  • Book Review
  • Active Forum Concepts
  • Seminars, Workshops, and others.

The Department fulfills its dream of inculcating group dynamicshuman skills, and employable skills onto the students by conducting group discussions, Tutorials, and soft skills development. It enhances employability skills by conducting Add-on Courses to bridge the gap between the syllabus and the industry requirements. It provides the idea about the recent happenings other than their syllabus through Notice Board Study. Finally, it collates the theoretical knowledge into the application-oriented potentials by giving mini-project to students in the subject of Web-Technologies, Multimedia and Advanced Information Management.

To encourage reading habits, it keeps book-review for students. The mark awarded to the book review is considered one of the criteria for internal marks evaluation in the subject of Professional Communication.