Position title
Global Library Training Programme (GLTP)

O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) is an Indian University providing world-class education, located in the National Capital Region, Delhi (Sonipat), India. JGU is a vibrant intellectual community of 8000+ students, 900+ faculty, and 500+ staff members representing 41 countries in twelve multidisciplinary schools: Law, Business, International Affairs, Public Policy, Liberal Arts and Journalism, Art & Architecture, Banking & Finance, Environment & Sustainability, Psychology & Counselling, Languages & Literature, and Public Health & Human Development. JGU is dedicated to promoting global learning through its global faculty, global curricula, global collaborations, global research and global programmes. JGU is the youngest university to be ranked in the Top 3% universities in the World and in the Top 150 universities (under 50 years of age) by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World Rankings 2021. JGU has been ranked among the “Top 700 universities in the World” in the QS World University Rankings 2021 and recognised as an “Institution of Eminence” by the Government of India.


Selected candidates will go through a structured training program for a period of two years.  They will engage in various activities of different units of the Global Library and will go through mandatory courses and projects. On successful completion of the program, a performance review will be conducted, and selected candidates may be offered a full-time position in the Global Library of JGU.

You are requested to circulate the enclosed flyer to the interested students and alumni of your University. Interested candidates can send their updated CV along with a professional statement of purpose as to why they want to join this program at gltp@jgu.edu.in latest by 15 November 2021.


Masters Degree in Library & Information Science


Masters Degree in Library & Information Science


Selected candidates will go through a structured training program for a period of two years.  They will engage in various activities of different units of the Global Library and will go through mandatory courses and projects. On successful completion of the program, a performance review will be conducted, and selected candidates may be offered a full-time position in the Global Library of JGU.


Selected candidates will go through a structured training programme for a period of two years.  They will engage in various activities of different units of the Global Library and will go through mandatory courses and projects. On successful completion of the programme, a performance review will be conducted, and selected candidates may be offered a full-time position in the Global Library of JGU.

Job Benefits

Selected candidates will go through a structured training programme for a period of two years.  They will engage in various activities of different units of the Global Library and will go through mandatory courses and projects. On successful completion of the programme, a performance review will be conducted, and selected candidates may be offered a full-time position in the Global Library of JGU.


You are requested to circulate the enclosed flyer to the interested students and alumni of your University. Interested candidates can send their updated CV along with a professional statement of purpose as to why they want to join this program at gltp@jgu.edu.in latest by 15 November 2021.

Employment Type
Beginning of employment
15th November 2021
Duration of employment
Two years
Job Location
O.P. Jindal Global University, Hariyana, Sonipat, Narela Road Near Jagdishpur village S, Haryana-131001, India
Remote work from: Gujrat
Working Hours
10 AM to 5 PM
Base Salary
Rs00000-Rs000000 Per month
Date posted
October 31, 2021
Valid through
November 15, 2021
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Offer ended on November 15, 2021

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