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Content designators – Bibliographic formats (CCF/B, MARC 21, and UNIMARC) and Authority record formats (MARC 21 authority format);

The following statement of background and principles for content designation in the MARC 21 formats was approved by the American Library Association’s ALCTS/LITA/RUSA Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI), in consultation with representatives from United States and Canadian national libraries and… Read More

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Knowledge Processing Basics

Introduction Knowledge management is an activity practiced by enterprises all over the world. In the process of knowledge management, these enterprises comprehensively gather information using many methods and tools. Then, the gathered information is organized, stored, shared, and analyzed using… Read More

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Library of Congress Subject Heading(LCSH)

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) – Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is the list of headings produced from the subject authority file maintained by the United States Library of Congress for use in bibliographic records. It is popularly known… Read More

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